‍ Middle school

Highlands International School San Salvador


In secondary school, we encourage all members of the educational community to work in partnership with parents to achieve a comprehensive socio-emotional formation, taking into account the characteristics of the student within their context, making pertinent educational-formative interventions. We focus on each of our students learning to value and care for themselves, enhancing the gifts received.

We accompany our students so that they can build an authentic, mature and healthy personality, which allows them to travel, more fully and in accordance with their dignity, the path towards their own self-realization and transcendence.

We promote Christian servant leadership in students so that they can respond to the needs of others as a committed citizen of themselves, their family, their community, and the world.

Con nuestro programa de virtudes NET, se desarrollan estrategias y herramientas que facilitan la educación socioemocional y formación humana en los alumnos. Se promueven ambientes positivos que a través de estas estrategias suscitan el dinamismo de virtudes.
Se muestra el bien con ejemplos concretos para que el alumno reconozca los beneficios y se motive libremente a realizarlos. Promueve una disciplina firme, y amable a la vez, tomando en cuenta la necesidad de identidad y pertenencia.

We seek that students use technology effectively and efficiently as a tool to increase their productivity, develop their creativity, communicate ideas and learn collaboratively, without forgetting the responsibility that their use entails.

Through the use of educational technology, robotics and the STEAM methodology (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math), we encourage students to see it:

  • As a useful and necessary resource for learning.
  • As a means to develop digital skills.
  • To lay the technological foundations for the following educational levels.

Los alumnos amplían su vocabulario y aprenden el manejo correcto del inglés, a un nivel alto, más allá de lo funcional. Nuestro alto nivel de educación bilingüe, está respaldado por nuestras certificaciones de Cambridge.  A partir del 7º de Middle School, nuestros alumnos aprenden francés como tercera lengua.

Highlands International School Mexico English Level Scale

Educamos en todo momento, espacio y ambiente. Cualquier oportunidad, dentro y fuera del salón de clases, se aprovecha para desarrollar una intervención educativa-formativa. Contamos con diversos recursos que nos apoyan en este proceso:

  • Formative, flexible, interactive and collaborative environments and spaces that promote personal, transcendent and community learning.
  • Physical and digital educational materials, which help to enhance the student's abilities according to the expected graduation profile.
  • Educational technology, which favors research and the production of content and solutions

A través del deporte, nuestros alumnos se conocen a sí mismos, aprenden a superar retos, forman la voluntad, el carácter y desarrollan aspectos psicomotrices, afectivos, sociales e intelectuales.

Además, ofrecemos a los alumnos un acercamiento constante con el arte y la cultura, que les ayude a desarrollar un pensamiento crítico y creativo, así como diversas habilidades emocionales.

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